Packaging and Southern Forests

The Southern United States remains the world’s largest paper producing region. The mills that produce paper products in this 13-state region have a tremendous impact on our forests. Indeed, every year millions of acres of the South’s forests are clearcut to feed the pulp and paper industry. While these Southern mills produce a wide variety…

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor This letter is an appeal to the residents of this state to rise to the task of preventing an unfortunate, and disgraceful assault on some new residents of our state: the bald eagle. The first time I was privileged enough to see these magnificent birds was early in the summer of 1998. My…

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Are ramps under threat?

Chefs, big-city connoisseurs create an increase in demand [ West Virginia ] Demand for ramps from celebrity chefs, avant-garde restaurateurs and avid foodies has some experts worried for the future of the pungent wild leeks grown in the hills of Appalachia. “[Ramps are] becoming harder to find in many areas because they’ve become so popular…

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Industry says climate change already impacting forests

[ Canada ] Governments and all industry sectors in Canada must quickly “re-tool” to deal with climate change, says the Forest Products Association of Canada. Avrim Lazar, the association’ s president, said the forestry industry is already witnessing a manifestation of climate change -a mountain pine beetle epidemic -destroy massive tracts of valuable forest. A…

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Lights Out: California Moves One Step Closer to Banning the Incandescent Lightbulb!

in a 7-2 vote, the Utilities and Commerce Committee of the California General Assembly approved a bill that would prohibit sales of the grossly inefficent incandescent lighghtbulb statring in 2012. Incandescent bulbs are terribly inefficient because most of the energy they use produces heat, rather than light. According to the bill’s sponsor, Lloyd Levine, “switching…

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Why I volunteer!!!!!!!

Hi everyone, My name is Elma Dostovic and I am a freshman at Appalachian State University. I first found out about Appalachian Voices when I was looking for an organization to volunteer with for a class assignment. However, when I came here and learned about what is going on and when I learned the facts…

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Slow But Sure — Burned Forest Lands Regenerate Naturally

[ Oregon ] A new study of forest lands that burned in the 1990s in northern California and southwestern Oregon has concluded there is a “fair to excellent” chance that an adequate level of conifers will regenerate naturally, in sites that had no manual planting or other forest management. The authors said in their report…

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Chevron and Weyerhaeuser Create Biofuels Alliance

[Washington] Chevron Corporation and Weyerhaeuser Company today announced a letter of intent (LOI) to jointly assess the feasibility of commercializing the production of biofuels from cellulose-based sources. The companies will focus on researching and developing technology that can transform wood fiber and other nonfood sources of cellulose into economical, clean-burning biofuels for cars and trucks.…

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