The Great American “Resource Curse”

Most of us have seen what mountaintop removal (MTR) does to our beloved mountains and precious headwaters. We’ve heard anecdotes from the people who live there. We’ve even gotten the scoop from our beltway champion, Congressman Pallone on DailyKos the other day. Mountaintop removal is devastating to the environment. That much is obvious. Furthering the…

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2007 Pickin’ for the Mountains

You’re Invited! You, along with your family and friends are cordially invited to Appalachian Voices’ Annual Pickin’ for the Mountains — a fundraising event to benefit Appalachian Voices! Music by the everybodyfields, The Sheets, The Worthless Son-in Laws, and Appalachian Voices’ staff! Thursday, November 29th, 7:00 pm Event to be held at Canyons 8960 Hwy…

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Is John Edwards Coming Around on Mountaintop Removal?

Senator John Edwards, Democratic Presidential hopeful, notoriously voted to increase mountintop removal mining in 1999. While the vote he cast was for an amendment that never made it into law, Senator Edwards has never explicitly stated that he regrets voting for increased mountaintop removal and the dumping of mountaintop removal waste. While he is strong…

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A THIRD chance: DAQ extended comment period for Cliffside Power Plant expansion near Charlotte, NC

See our website for more information about the proposed Cliffside Powerplant or air pollution in general. Recently, the North Carolina Utilities Commission announced plans to allow Duke Energy to build a new 800-megawatt coal-fired power plant at its Cliffside facility in Rutherfordton, NC. If completed, this power plant will emit 312 million tons of carbon…

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Powershift 2007

I was fortunate to be a part of the Powershift 2007 conference in Washington DC, where over 6,000 young people came to learn, teach each other, and lobby Congress on climate change, mountaintop removal, and ending American reliance on dirty fossil fuels. Turns out we made MTV news 🙂

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Big Coal is Desperate

After Kansas rejected an unnceccesary coal-fired power plant, big coal started running this hilarious (and pathetically desperate) attack ad. Kansans are actually smiling because a coal-fired power plant was denied in their state, becoming the first to be denied because of deadly global warming Carbon Dioxide emissions.

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Watauga High School to be First Green “LEED certified” in NC

Thanks to some hard-work of many local activists and elected officials, Boone’s new “Watauga High School” will be the first in North Carolina to earn LEED certification. Commission chairman Jim Deal said it would be collaborative project, with ASU instructors using the project as a demonstration model. Participating students would earn credit and gain experience…

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Appalachian Coal: the faucet is almost dry

The issues with coal-fired power plant emissions are well chronicled – increased lung and cardiovascular disease, loss of visibility, and (somewhat importantly) the complete shattering of our global climactic patterns. Many are also seeing for the first time that extracting coal is as destructive (and socially expensive) as emitting coal. Mountaintop removal and strip mining…

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