Coal on the Run: 59 Coal Plants Defeated!

Grassroots pressure by citizen groups and activists across the country has defeated 59 proposed coal-fired power plants in 2007, according to a new report from RAN and Coal Moratorium NOW! The report is Coal plants cancelled in 2007, and is worth a read. Big coal, on the other hand, is currently able to proceed on…

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“Turn Out the Lights” Sunday, January 20th

In an attempt to send Duke Energy the message that no one is in support of building new polluting power plants, the Canary Coalition have planned a series of demonstrations to show the muscle of energy users. The Canary Coalition, an air quality advocacy group based in Sylva, are leading the charge and urging people…

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59 coal-fired power plants cancelled or shelved in 2007

Some good news about how coal industry is feeling the pressure from grassroots involvement. Keep up the good work During 2007, 59 proposed coal-fired power plants were cancelled or shelved, according to research compiled by Coal Moratorium NOW! and Rainforest Action Network. The list is available at Coal Plants Cancelled in 2007. A moratorium on…

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NYT: Don Blankenship Vacationing with Judges?

This is interesting… A justice of the West Virginia Supreme Court and a powerful coal-company executive met in Monte Carlo in the summer of 2006, sharing several meals even as the executive’s companies were appealing a $50 million jury verdict against them to the court. The photos are included in a motion asking the judge…

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Emily and Marty give MTR a presence at NH primaries

DAY 1: Marty and I made the pilgrimage from Middlebury, Vermont to the primaries in New Hampshire early in the morning on Monday, November 7th, the last day of rallying for the before the polls opened on Tuesday. After a few too many wrong turns off the highway, and a stop at Kinkos to pick…

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The Lost bears of Shumate Hollow

In this video, Ed Wiley tells the story of how a bear den was bulldozed at an MTR mining site called Shumate Hollow, above the Marsh Fork elementary school. There is even a video clip of a bear running across the site. Its just another sad indication of the suffering and horror inflicted by Mountaintop…

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Thanks and Luck to our friends at SABP/WildSouth!! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 9, 2008 Contacts: Chris Joyell, Wild South (f/k/a SABP) – 828.337.6927; Doug Ruley, Southern Environmental Law Center – 828.258.2023; FOREST SERVICE REJECTS GLOBE FOREST APPEAL Conservation groups vow to continue fight to save the rare old-growth forest Asheville, NC – The…

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Bring in 2008 with SAMS

Best new years wishes to everyone. I’ve been enjoying the holidays with friends and family in the incomprable mountains of east Tennessee. I’m thankful to spend a few days away from the bustle of DC, back in the south and in the presence of loved ones. We are really looking forward to improving the writing…

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Solar power becomes cheaper than coal

By John Vidal, environment editor The Guardian (London) Saturday December 29 2007 The holy grail of renewable energy came a step closer yesterday as thousands of mass-produced wafer-thin solar cells printed on aluminium film rolled off a production line in California, heralding what British scientists called “a revolution” in generating electricity. The solar panels produced…

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