Utilities turn from coal to gas – NYT

“A wave of public opposition to coal-burning plants, motivated partly by broad fears about global warming and partly by local aesthetic concerns, is making their construction more difficult. On Monday, Wall Street weighed in: Three big investment banks announced that in deciding whether to make loans for new coal plants, they would calculate the projects’…

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U.S. scraps ambitious clean-coal power plant

The Christian Science Monitor reports: “Instead of the $1.76 billion project, which was expected to capture and store underground 90 percent of its greenhouse-gas emissions, the Energy Department is budgeting $241 million for several commercial power-plant projects that will capture and store a smaller share of their emissions. Federal officials called it a money-saving move.”…

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The Threat Behind “Clean Coal”

“Clean coal” technology (CCT) refers to technologies intended to reduce pollution. But no coal-fired power plants are truly ‘clean’. Despite over 10 years of research and $5.2 billion of investment in the US alone , scientists are still unable to make coal clean. Many of the ‘clean coal’ technologies being promoted by the coal industry…

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Stripmining Black History Month

[Our friend Jeff Biggers has allowed us to reprint this here in full. As always, a fascinating and educational read. -J-Dub] “I am ready to act, if I can find brave men to help me.” –Carter Woodson As schools, communities and politicians across the country celebrate Black History Month in February, they will be remiss…

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Yesterday, the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) granted Duke Energy Carolinas an air quality permit to build a new 800-megawatt unit at its Cliffside power plant near Shelby. Construction, operation and maintenance of the new Cliffside Unit 6 locks North Carolina into a 50-year commitment to outdated electricity generation that will contribute to…

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Coal mogul as All-American Villian ?

Blankenship “has pioneered ‘mountaintop removal’, or MTR. This means blowing off mountain tops with the equivalent of 4,636 ‘bunker buster’ bombs exploding daily, exposing coal seams which are then scooped up by the biggest diggers, cranes and trucks ever built. Quite apart from its effect on climate change, the result is a moonscape. Whole villages…

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Massey Energy company paying for its polluting practices

Under the agreement with the EPA, Massey Energy will pay $20 million in civil penalties and invest an additional $10 million in pollution control improvements at its 44 mines and coal facilities. The agreement settled a complaint filed by the EPA in May 2007 alleging that Massey violated the federal Clean Water Act on at…

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