TAKE ACTION: Fast Food Packaging Campaign

Who: Dogwood Alliance and You What: Fast Food Packaging Campaign: Southern Exposure Media Tour Where: A City near you—to find a list of planned events, click here. http://www.dogwoodalliance.org/content/view/188/135/ When: Thursday, March 27th—Thursday, April 3rd, 2008 Why: Dogwood Alliance is kicking off the Fast Food Packaging Campaign Southern forests are too important to be wasted for…

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App Voices on the Airwaves

A Kohmist and the KohmEST were featured last week on the trusty ol’ FM radio. I was on the excellent and always entertaining “Head On Radio with Bob Kincaid” last Thursday (3/20), talking about Presidential politics and Appalachia. Bob’s show is based out of West Virginia, and we spoke for about 45 minutes on subjects…

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Time’s World Water Crisis

TIME just ran a series of photographs chronicling the “World Water Crisis.” Of all the photographs, developing countries dominated the bad news. Africa, India, Asia, China were heavily featured in pictures of aquatic degradation and scarcity. But one photograph jumped out at me. Kenny Stroud and his son in Rawl, West Virginia. The caption reads:…

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Barack Obama in Beckley

Beth Vorhees reporting on WV Public Broadcast: (audio) On questions like this and another one on mountaintop removal mining Obama didn’t take firm positions. instead he discussed how he approaches controversial issues. Obama: My job as President and one of the keys of the Federal Government is to listen to and work with local and…

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Responses to Hillary’s position on MTR

Lots of buzz on the net regarding Hillary’s take on MTR yesterday. Of the 400+ comments I saw, I didn’t see one person defend her position. Even some of her supporter were up in arms. Here’s a sample. David Sassoon over at Solve Climate: Hillary Clinton Flunks Coal on West Virginia Public Radio: …No, Senator…

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Hillary Clinton on MTR

Beth Vorhees interviews Hillary Clinton on West Virginia Public Broadcast: (audio) Hillary on MTR: (unofficial transcript) I am concerned about it for all the reasons people state, but I think its a difficult question because of the conflict between the economic and environmental trade-off that you have here. I’m not an expert. I don’t know…

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Into the Woods Celebration & Auction

Into the Woods Celebration and Auction Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition Friday, April 18th the Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition presents the fifth annual Into the Woods Celebration and Auction from 6pm-10pm at the historic On Broadway in vibrant downtown Asheville. The fundraiser includes great food, locally brewed beer, amazing wine, a fantastic silent auction with something…

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Mountain Movement Takes to the States

Here’s a metric on how to measure our success over the last several years – a look at anti-MTR activity at the state level. Kentucky This year, the “stream-saver bill” was re-introduced, and over 1200 people joined our friends at KFTC for I Love Mountains Day at the State Capitol in Frankfort to lobby for…

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