Naturalists Notebook – Switchgrass

You’ve probably driven by fields full of switch grass a hundred times and never known it. Varieties of the warm season grass – Panicum virgatum – can be found all over the Southeast and the Midwest. Switch grass looks humble enough in the spring, but by autumn it can be six to ten feet tall.…

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Letters to the editor

Dear Editor, Every article is different, stimulating, provocative, and something you won’t find anyplace else. Thanks. Su Clauson-Wicher Chilhowie, VA Dear Appalachian Voices, Finally, my Economic Stimulus “Kicker” from the Federal Gov’t. came, and I was able to donate part of it to your fine organization. I would love to encourage others who received a…

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Natural gas — Appalachia’s other energy dilemma

Stand on a ridgeline in southwestern Virginia. You’ll see lush hardwood forests, dark-green groves of rhododendron, blue skies … and square, neat clearings, marked by green tanks and red well heads. They dot almost every ridge, every nook and knob in the mountainous terrain. Look directly overhead, and you might also be standing under a…

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NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources to Limit Pollutants from the New Cliffside Power Plant

The press release from the North Carolina Dept of Environment and Natural Resources follows below… Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Release: Immediate Contact: Diana Kees Date: June 2, 2008 Phone: (919) 715-4112 DENR TO ENSURE “MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE” LIMITS ON HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS AT NEW…

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Join the Blogger’s Challenge

Appalachian Voices, in conjunction with is pleased to announce the America’s Most Endangered Mountains video series.. We are trying a new grassroots technique called the Bloggers’ Challenge to spread the word about what mountaintop removal is doing to our beloved mountains in Appalachia. The cutting edge Bloggers Challenge program will be run through the…

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30 Days: Mountaintop Removal

Check out our friends Bo Webb, Chuck Nelson, and Larry Gibson with Morgan Spurlock, star of “Supersize Me.” Spurlock’s show “30 days” will feature mountaintop removal starting June 3rd at 10PM on the FX channel.

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Hey Media: Lay off Appalachia

When I saw the clip of the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart apeing a misinformed West Virginia voter last week, I had a flashback to a Saturday Night Live “Appalachian ER” skit, which featured rocker Neil Young embroiled in a mess of incest and depravity. How the media loves its hillbillies. Makes me wanna holler: The…

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Take Action to Extend the Clean Energy Tax Credits

From Solar Nation: Congress has spent nearly a year debating how to pay for these expiring tax incentives, which make it cheaper for individuals and companies to install renewable energy systems and build energy-efficient buildings. The House doesn’t want to pass any legislation without an identified source of funding, and the Senate won’t consider raising…

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