Thirty Days in the Life of a Coal Miner

Morgan Spurlock made his first splash in the entertainment industry with his Academy Award nominated documentary entitled Super Size Me. In the film, Spurlock ate only McDonald’s food for thirty days. Americans were astonished by the effects this had on his body, and Super Size Me became a hit. The popularity of the movie even…

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Renewable Energy Initiatives

Wind Turbines are a form of renewable energy that harness the power of ever circulating wind. In 2007 Bush signed a $162 Billion war supplemental in order to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan until 2009. This federal money is put into perspective by the Apollo Alliance and Policy Matters Ohio’s Renewable Energy Policy…

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Mountain Monday: 300 Blogs and a Swarm of Angry New Yorkers!

It doesn’t always occur to us that our electricity comes from somewhere. But for many people on the east coast, every time we flip on a light switch, we are connected to the blowing up of the oldest mountains in the world – the Appalachian Mountains – where coal is being extracted using a barbaric…

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NY Loves Mountains Festival

July11-July13, 2008 This July, Headwater Productions, a community action and arts production company out of Brooklyn, NY, will put on a series of events to further New Yorkers’ awareness of mountaintop removal coal mining and its devastating social, ecological, and economic effects on the Appalachian region. Headwater Productions was founded in 2008 by Stephanie…

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Fighting Goliath: An Inspirational Film

“Fighting Goliath: Texas Coal Wars” “Fighting Goliath: Texas Coal Wars” is a new video from the Redford Center at the Sundance Preserve and Alpheus Media and is narrated by Robert Redford. It is about an unlikely coalition of Texans against 19 conventional coal-fired power plants proposed for Eastern and Central Texas. The film highlights the…

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Mountain Monday: What is a Mountain Monday?

Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved. A man defending his home is worth 10 invaders. There is no place like home. Home is home, be it ever so humble. These phrases may have graced our ears 3,592 times, but ponderings on the meaning of home mean a little bit more…

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Mountain Mondays v 1.0: Becoming the Media

Appalachian Voices and are helping to spear-head an effort to stop mountaintop removal by working with small local blogs from around the country, the success of which is based on the participation of the blogging community and of new journalists like YOU. To supplement the organizing going on in the coalfields, we have instituted…

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