Bo Webb’s urgent letter to President Obama is getting picked up by bloggers

These sites have carried Webb’s full letter: Huffington Post: Mountain Journey Grist: Stop Strip Mining: GNN TV: Alternet:

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4th Annual Week In Washington To Promote Clean Water Protection Act

Help Lobby Members of Congress to Pass an Anti-Mountaintop Removal Bill In mid-March, the Alliance for Appalachia will be sponsoring the fourth annual End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington, a week of direct lobbying by Appalachian residents and others from across the United States. Participants get to join with other activists and impacted citizens, and…

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Coal Dust Explosion at Power Plant in Wisconsin

Dirty and dangerous may be desirable qualities when you’re looking to date a biker, but are less so when you’re talking about the source of approximately half the energy for electricity in the country. The report from The Star Tribune of a coal dust explosion in suburban Milwaukee definitely put an emphasis on the coal’s…

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Concerned Citizens Take a Stand at Coal River Mountain

Residents have lost faith in their state government, long known to be friendly to coal interests, and have taken their plea nationally. Climate expert James Hansen, the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the man who first testified to the existence of global warming, asked President Obama to “please look at Coal…

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Testing Continues to Show Toxic Impacts of TVA Spill

Official call participants were: Jeff Stant, Director of the Coal Combustion Waste Initiative for the Environmental Integrity Project. In this position and for the past 21 years as the Executive Director of the Hoosier Environmental Council in Indiana, Director of the Power Plant Waste Program for the Boston-based Clean Air Task Force and consultant to other organizations,…

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Mountain Monday: Alliance for Appalachia Spotlight

OVEC first learned of mountaintop removal in 1997, when directly-impacted residents came to us to tell us about the issue and ask for our help. OVEC organized and hosted the first-ever public forum on mountaintop removal, and has been organizing in the West Virginia coalfields since then. The Coalition works with state, national and international…

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Mountain Monday: Better Know a CWPA Sponsor/Target

January 19, 2009 (Sorry for the late crosspost, as I’m sure you all know the beginning of this week was very exciting!! With the opening of the Congressional session last week, and the inauguration on Tuesday all eyes are on capitol hill. This, thought the folks here at iLoveMountains, makes it the perfect time to…

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Getting to Work

Jan 21st, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 33,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. Yesterday was a historic day for our nation. And like millions of others across America, those of us here at watched the inauguration with a mixture of hope for…

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