A Major Victory – Thank the Obama Administration

March 24th, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 34,000+ supporters of iLoveMountains.org. To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. We’ve got great news to report! This afternoon, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it was suspend and review permits for two mountaintop removal coal mining operations — and putting hundreds…

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End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining – Call Congress Today!

March 17th, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 34,000+ supporters of iLoveMountains.org. To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. Today — St. Patrick’s Days — you can help keep the Appalachian mountains green and their waters clean by taking action to bring an end to mountaintop removal coal mining.…

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Letters to the editor

Pesticide Use Continues to Decline on Tree Farms To the Editor: This letter to the editor is in reference to Sarah Vig’s article “A ‘Greener’ Christmas Tree” that appeared in the Winter edition of Appalachian Voice. First of all, a word of thanks to Sarah for her article, those of us who have Christmas tree…

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Appalachian Mountain Preservation Acts! (PLURAL!)

UPDATE: VISIT ILOVEMOUNTAINS.ORG/STATEACTIONS FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION By protecting ratepayers from potential rate spikes, and moving the state away from this ecologically destructive and morally reprehensible practice, this bill is “going to save taxpayers money in the long run, and it is simply the right thing to do,” according to lead sponsor Harrison. Passage of…

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The Clean Water Protection Act is Back!

Please write your representative today and ask them to become a co-sponsor! The Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 1310) is necessary to protect clean drinking water for many of our nation’s cities. It is also necessary to protect the quality of life for Appalachian coalfield residents who face frequent catastrophic flooding and pollution or loss…

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Now Congress Must Act

March 5th, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 34,000+ supporters of iLoveMountains.org. To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. Dear Friend of the Mountains, A major step in our effort to end mountaintop removal coal mining has been taken in Congress. Yesterday on the House floor, the Clean Water…

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The Clean Water Protection Act and the 111th Congress

February 26th, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 34,000+ supporters of iLoveMountains.org. To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. Dear Supporters, Last Friday, the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA overturned a 2007 decision stating that the Army Corps of Engineers had improperly issued permits…

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Willie Nelson in the new movie “Fuel”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Lisa Doty 828-265-4852 MOUNTAINKEEPERS & APPS FILM COUNCIL SPONSOR SHOWING OF “FUEL” Boone, NC (February 24, 2009) — Willie Nelson is not only an accomplished singer/songwriter, but he also is quite an advocate for our planet. He now devotes as much of his time and energy to that…

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TheDirtyLie.com Launched

NATIONAL CAMPAIGN AIMS TO GET COAL INDUSTRY TO COME CLEAN ON THE DEVASTATING EFFECTS OF COAL Click the movie above to watch “The Amazing Disappearing Mountains” from TheDirtyLie.com Boone, NC – Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Waterkeeper Alliance and Donna Lisenby of Appalachian Voices, announced today the launch of the group’s first national anti-coal…

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