Ask Congress About Mountaintop Removal

The Progressive Caucus is taking questions our about energy! They have a lot on their plate, with the upcoming Waxman-Markey climate bill, and the Clean Water Protection Ac (HR 1310) now passing 150 cosponsors. Please take a moment to vote, to ask Congressional Representatives about mountaintop removal.

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Hundreds Protest Duke’s Cliffside Power Plant Expansion

Story by Sarah Vig Thoreau wrote near the end of his life, “if I repent of anything it is likely to be my good behavior.” At 76, Bruce King, a retiree and military veteran – like Thoreau – was beginning to regret his good behavior. It was the first formal protest of his life, but…

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PLEASE CALL CONGRESS: We should regulate Coal Combustion Waste

A coalition of 109 organizations, including Appalachian Voices and the Environmental Integrity Project, is pushing back against Congressmen who do not want to regulate the disposal of coal combustion waste. Please call your Congressperson and ask him/her not to sign on to letters sponsored by industry that seek weak CCW ”guidelines” that skimp on environmental…

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“Education for the Valley” – Molly’s personal story

We just got an email from Molly Wilkins, a graduate student in Washington State in a Master’s of Education program. As an assignment for her Social Studies Methods course, she wrote a paper on the importance of Appalachian cultural and environmental history in the social studies curriculum in the elementary public school system to help…

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Head to the Roof with Project EMMA

Growing on a roof in downtown Asheville, N.C. are beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, salad mix, radishes, lavender, rosemary, lemon balm, basil and other plants. The result of a partnership between the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project and the Council on Aging of Buncombe County, Project EMMA (for Eat better, Move More, Age well) is located on top…

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June/July 2009 issue in PDF format

View the complete issue now! (10.2MB pdf file) TO DOWNLOAD A COPY: PC Users: right-mouse click on the link above and choose SAVE AS or DOWNLOAD LINKED FILE AS… Mac Users: control+click on the link above and choose SAVE AS or DOWNLOAD LINKED FILE AS…

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Congressman Tom Perriello (VA-05) Seeks EPA Clarification on MTR

During the campaign, President Obama promised to make protecting Appalachian streams a primary task of his EPA. Earlier this week Mike Shapiro, the Acting Assistant Administrator for the EPA Office of Water, testified before the the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment regarding the EPA’s priorities in the upcoming year. Many in Appalachia…

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