Making Music to Save Mountains

Mountain Aid – THIS WEEKEND!! Music is often moving, but only once in a while does it help stop mountains from moving. That is the hope behind the inaugural Mountain Aid festival, taking place this Friday through Sunday, June 19 – 21, at the Shakori Hills festival grounds just south of Chapel Hill in Chatham…

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LA TIMES EDITORIAL: Is Obama caving in to coal?

Here is a link to the original article. The administration deserves credit for some minimal restrictions on mountaintop mining, but the president’s hands-off approach to coal defeats his climate-change efforts. Clear-cutting forests, then blowing the tops off of mountains and dumping the debris into stream beds is an environmentally catastrophic way of mining for coal.…

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Paddling Appalachia

With tumbling rivers and cool mountain lakes, Appalachia is a paddler’s paradise. We offer a list of eight great destinations. Whitewater enthusiasts from across the country come to Appalachia’s rivers for their aquatic adrenaline rushes. Sportsmen often drift in canoes or open kayaks for fishing excursions. A long weekend of canoe camping on a river…

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Clean Coal Knee-Capping: Secretary Chu Makes $1 Billion Down Payment For More Dirty Coal

Another one from Mr. Biggers: On the heels of a major Wall Street Journal report that we are reaching “peak coal,” and revelations that the Bush administration buried a 2002 report on the cancer risks associated with coal ash, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu made a $1.073 billion down payment today on the construction…

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Governor Kaine (D-VA) Reacts to Obama Adminisration

Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia, a close ally to President Obama and current head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), came out with this statement in favor of the Administration’s proposal regarding mountaintop removal removal yesterday. “I applaud the new guidelines announced by the administration which will impose tighter restrictions on mountaintop mining. “In Virginia,…

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Congressman Yarmuth Calls for Congress to Take Further Action

Congressman Yarmuth applauded the Obama Administration’s action yesterday, but calls for Congress to address valleyfills by taking action on the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 1310), which was introduced by Congressmen Pallone (D-NJ), Reichert (R-WA), and Yarmuth (D-WA) (Washington, DC) Today, Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) expressed his support of federal policies designed to reduce the…

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New White House “plan” for mountaintop removal…

As always, those intrepid and resolute reporters Ken Ward Jr. and Jeff Biggers alerted us to the Obama Administration’s new plan to “deal” with mountaintop removal coal mining. From Ken Ward Jr.’s blog: Administration officials announced that they are taking a series of short-, medium- and long-range steps that they say will allow mountaintop removal…

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