Coal River featured in two upcoming cinema releases

The community of Coal River, West Virginia, which has been the center of a battle between residents wanting to save Coal River Mountain and a coal company planning to destroy it, is now at the center of two upcoming films. On Coal River “On Coal River,” directed by Francine Cavanaugh and Adams Wood, is a…

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Coal Country

Film about Mountaintop Removal Mining to be Screened July 11 in West Virginia Story by Linda Coutant Whenever you turn on your lights or air conditioning, filmmaker Mari-Lynn Evans wants you to consider who pays the price for that electricity. “The people of Appalachia will be hard to forget after people see their faces and…

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Something’s Rising

Appalachians Against Mountaintop Removal Editor’s Note: In this issue, we would like to introduce what we hope will become a regular feature in this publication, the Appalachian Voice Book Club. Every issue, we will select a book, provide you with a short review and questions to guide your reading and discussion, and point you to…

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The winding road to Tazewell

Story by Bill Kovarik The two-lane road to Tazewell, Va. fades to gray like a pair of blue jeans in an old photo. It winds past small but prosperous homes, along pastures rimmed with split rail fences, and through some of the most beautiful mountains in Appalachia. Once it simply connected this quiet town to…

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Scientists Search for Conservation Strategies

Story by Bill Kovarik Increasing numbers of windmills will pose threats to bats and migratory birds, scientists have warned in recent years, unless conservation strategies are put into place. Many states, including Virginia, are beginning to include stringent monitoring and mitigation plans in the wind energy permitting process, and a set of federal guidelines from…

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A Growing Urgency to End Mountaintop Removal

The following email was sent to the 36,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. The pressure on the Obama administration to stop mountaintop removal coal mining is building across the country. Last week, we asked you to call the White House and tell the administration that it was…

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Statement from Appalachian Voices

Last week, Appalachian Voices learned that a miner may have been injured during a non-violent act of civil disobedience that took place June 18th, when 14 activists climbed a dragline on a mine site. They were calling on the Obama Administration to end mountaintop removal coal mining. Though most reports now indicate that health concerns…

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Activists scale 20-story tall machinery to call attention to nation’s worst form of coal mining

This just dropped into our email box: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday June 18th, 2009 CONTACTS: Nell Greenberg, 510-847-9777 Celia Alario, 310-721-6517 Vivian Stockman, 304-927-3265 Hi-Res Photos, B-roll and Video will be available, Activists Risk Arrest to Stop Mountaintop Removal – Scale 20-story tall machinery to call attention to nation’s worst form of coal mining;…

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