WV Town to Get Clean Water by “spring”

No, not that kind of spring. I got so excited to see this headline “WV Town to Get Clean Water by spring.” See, I thought to myself, there still are still amazing clean spring-water sources left in some parts of Appalachia. But it turns out that they’re aren’t talking about a “spring” of flowing water,…

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The Declining Power of Coal – May 2009 numbers released

The coal industry and their associated front groups like to claim that coal provides more than half of our electricity. This was once true, but has not been the case for several years. As we’ve reported throughout the year, the importance of coal in our national electricity generation is declining at a pretty remarkable rate.…

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Lisa Jackson: EPA May Use Veto Power More Often on 404 Permits.

We noted recently that Nancy Sutley, President Obama’s Chair for the Council on Environmental Quality, recognized that there are significant impacts from mountaintop removal (you’ve got to start somewhere right?). Sutley also said that stricter oversight of mountaintop removal may or may not result in fewer mountaintop removal projects. Well, EPA chief Lisa Jackson, is…

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August/September 2009 issue in PDF format

View the complete issue now! (9.2MB pdf file) TO DOWNLOAD A COPY: PC Users: right-mouse click on the link above and choose SAVE AS or DOWNLOAD LINKED FILE AS… Mac Users: control+click on the link above and choose SAVE AS or DOWNLOAD LINKED FILE AS…

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Army Corps of Engineers Approves Permit for Controversial WV Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine

Decision opens the door for more destruction in Appalachia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – August 11, 2009 Contacts: Janet Keating, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 304.360.4201 Oliver Bernstein, Sierra Club, 512-289-8618 Joe Lovett, Appalachian Center for the Economy & the Environment, 304-645-9006 Charleston, West Virginia – Today the public learned that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers…

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ACCCE Launches New Super-Grassrootsy REAL support ARMY (on Twitter)

Having had their astroturfing forgery exposed, this week coal industry front group ACCCE is taking an uber-REAL super-grassrootsy approach to showing us their grassrootability, via Twitter. And this time, rather than making stuff up about random minority groups, womens’ organizations, or seniors, they’re saying that they are promoting coal for…the firefighters? Wait a second, I…

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ACCCE Faces Questions About Forgeries from Chairman Markey

Recieved via email… WASHINGTON (August 5, 2009) – In a continuation of a Congressional investigation into fraudulent letters sent to several members of Congress, Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) sent a letter today to the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity seeking answers on their involvement in the incidents. The letter specifically zeroes in on…

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“Unnatural Mail Enhancement”

Congressman Tom Perriello (VA-05) was just on Rachel Maddow talking about Bonner/ACCCE’s fraudulent attempts to get him to vote against climate legislation. The fossil fuel industry has completely destroyed their fragile credibility, and things are heating up for ACCCE and their corporate lobbying partners with increasing calls for action from the DOJ. Visit msnbc.com for…

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