Stephen Colbert Interviews Dr. Margaret Palmer

Stephen Colbert interviewed University of Maryland scientist Dr Margaret Palmer on his show last night. Dr. Palmer was the lead author of the bombshell mountaintop removal study published in the “Science” Journal last week. CLICK HERE to watch the interview. Our friend Jeff Biggers has the clip and a great write-up over at Huffington Post.…

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King would have fought coal plants

Thanks to Joseph E. Lowery of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, we are reminded today, on this day celebrating the life and mission of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that he would have fought against ALL injustices toward minorities, including the construction of coal-fired power plants in the poor minority communities across the south. Lowery writes: “We…

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What?!?! – “Kentucky adopts tougher surface-mining guidelines”

Here are two articles about the recent adoption of “non-mandatory” mandatory changes to Kentucky surface mine regulations. We’ll believe this changes surface mining practices when we see it! Kentucky has issued tougher guidelines for surface coal mines that officials say will protect streams and lead to faster and better reclamation of hillsides and mountains.…

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Waterkeeper Alliance to webcast “Forum on the Future of Energy”

This just in from the the great clean water advocates: We are excited to announce that the Forum on the Future of Energy, where Waterkeeper Alliance President Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will debate Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, will be an online, interactive event. Find out the latest news about the January 21, 2010 event…

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Send comments to OSMRE by January 19th – Enforce the law on MTR!

This just in from the Alliance for Appalachia Blog: The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is charged with enforcing the law on mountaintop removal. Unfortunately, decades of rollbacks and giving in to coal industry corruption have left coalfield communities virtually undefended. Exceptions to the surface mine law have become the rule, and…

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Please join us in Washington!

The following email was sent to the 39,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. You can see more photos from 2009 in our Flickr album. Can you come to Washington, D.C., March 6-10 for our 5th Annual End Mountaintop Removal Week — and help make 2010 the year…

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Avatar in Appalachia

The characters are different but the plot is all too familiar: In the movie Avatar, Parker Selfridge of the RDA mining corporation, has the bulldozers take down the Na’vi history tree. It’s standing between them and a valuable black energy rock called “unobtainium.” In Appalachia, Randall Reid Smith, WV Commissioner of Culture and History, asks…

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EPA Signs off on Hobet 45 Permit

The EPA signed off on a Clean Water Act permit releasing Patriot Coal’s Hobet 45 mountaintop removal mine operation permit, one of 79 withheld for further review due to environmental concerns, to the Army Corps of Engineers for approval. The addition to the Hobet complex, which already spans tens of thousands of acres of contiguous…

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Scientists Unveil A Mountain of Evidence Against Mountaintop Removal

Obama Administration Asked to Halt All New Mountaintop Removal Permits – – – – – – – – – – – CONTACTS: Sandra Diaz, Director of Development and Communications, Appalachian Voices….828-262-1500 Dr. Matthew Wasson, Director of Programs, Appalachian Voices….828-262-1500 – – – – – – – – – – – Just days after the U.S.…

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EPA and CARE: Localized Solutions to Pollution

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stated that this year it will provide $2 million to the Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) program to fund localized solutions to pollution reduction. CARE projects will focus on two types of communities: ones striving to develop local environmental solutions and ones taking the next steps to implement…

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