EPA takes major step to end Mountaintop Removal Mining

The EPA took a major new step towards ending the environmentally destructive practice of Mountaintop Removal Mining today. New guidance standards, effective today for new and pending surface mining permits in Appalachia, will mean that the practice of filling in valleys with mountaintops will probably not be permitted unless they meet a high standard, according…

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Appalachian Voices Celebrates Historic EPA Action

The science is in, and the Obama Administration is listening. Today’s issuance of guidance by the Environmental Protection Agency is an absolutely historic step in ensuring that the economy, ecology, and communities of Appalachia are better protected from the devastating impacts of mountaintop removal. Citizens from Appalachia and across America are celebrating. As Senator Byrd…

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Senator Byrd Reacts to EPA Announcement on Spruce Mine

West Virginia’s senior Senator, urging reason and civility: The announcement by the EPA of its Proposed Determination to exercise its veto authority over the Spruce #1 Mine permit begins a process that enables the company and the public to comment on the matter in writing and at public hearings. I would strongly encourage all parties…

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Progress Energy Leaves Coal Lobby Group

In November of 2009, North Carolina utility provider Progress Energy quietly decided not to renew its membership in the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE.) Though it was once one of ACCCE’s biggest contributors, paying $1 million in 2008, Progress officials decided that the group no longer fits into the utility’s agenda. ACCCE has…

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UNC Linked to Mountaintop Removal Coal

UNC Chapel Hill is under a lens of scrutiny for their use of mountaintop removal coal. While UNC may be claiming they are avoiding purchasing mountaintop removal coal, public records indicate that their purchasing practices suggest otherwise. According to “Fact-checking UNC’s Coal Claims,” by Joe Schwartz of The Independent Weekly, “The Red River Mine sold…

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Week in Washington: A Participant’s Perspective

By Marsha Johnston, A citizen participant in the Alliance for Appalachia’s annual Week in Washington By all accounts, the 5th annual Week in Washington last week was highly successful. Dozens of conversations with legislators and federal agencies showed that the two most critical pieces of legislation, the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R.1310) and the Appalachia…

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