Biggest Mining Tragedy in the United States in 40 years

Appalachian Voices would like to express our deepest sympathy for the families who have lost loved ones in the mining explosion at the Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Mine in Raleigh County, WV. These families, and indeed, the whole community will be changed forever. Long after the camera crews and the TV pundits have packed…

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President Obama Speaks on Mine Disaster

Text of the President’s Remarks Now, let me say a few words about what has happened in West Virginia. This has been an unimaginably difficult week for the people who live near Montcoal. Thirty-one workers were inside the Upper Big Branch mine when an explosion ripped through its walls on Monday afternoon. Two were saved.…

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Newsweek Gets it Terribly Wrong

Daniel Stone published a piece on coal and energy over Newsweek’s “The Gaggle” called “West Virginia Mine Disaster Unlikely to Affect National Energy Debate“. David Roberts at Grist responded to Energy Committee Staffer Bill Wicker for a quote he had in the article, and its well worth the read. But the article was so full…

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We Support Coal Miners

Who opposes coal miners? No one except the crazy, misguided people at Westboro Baptist Church – who are currently bringing their hate parade to your corner of West Virginia. Appalachian Voices condemns these lunatics and anyone else who would use this tragedy as some sort of opportunity to denigrate the incredible sacrifice and service that…

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Terrible news from Raleigh County, WV

“25 miners were killed, and 4 remain missing, in a Raleigh County WV coal mine.” April 5th, 2010 – Background information April 6th, 2010 – Press briefing from officials April 6th, 2010 – Update from the WV Governor The Appalachian Voices’ family – our staff, our friends, and our respective communities – hold the families…

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Fatal Explosion at Massey Mine in Raleigh County

An underground explosion has left twelve miners dead and an unknown number missing at a mine in Raleigh County, West Virginia. Rescue workers are on the scene. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these miners. Ken Ward has more at the Charleston Gazette. Update: Senator Byrd released the following: “I am praying…

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Army Corps Announces Rulemaking on Surface Mining

On the heels of the EPA’s bombshell yesterday announcing a strict new policy for mountaintop removal coal mining, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today that it will “initiate regulatory rulemaking aimed at providing better environmental protection of aquatic resources from the impacts of Appalachian surface coal mining.” “The proposed rule change, reflecting an…

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Alexander and Cardin Weigh In On EPA Announcement

 Sen. Alexander      Sen. Cardin Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Ben Cardin (D-MD), co-sponsors of The Appalachia Restoration Act, weighed in on the EPA’s announcement Thursday of a new policy to crack down on valley fills associated with mountaintop removal coal mining. Both Senators expressed the usefulness of the new guidelines, but also stated that only an…

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