Brownfield Grants To Clean Up Coalfields

It’s not much, but at least it’s a start. This week, the EPA doled out millions of dollars in grants for brownfield cleanups, with several hundred thousand going to Appalachian coalfield communities to help with environmental and economic recovery after the coal industry left town.

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Center for Biological Diversity Files Endangered Species Act Petition for 404 Southeastern Species

Photo by the Center for Biological Diversity The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed an Endangered Species Act listing petition today for a staggeringly tragic 404 southeastern aquatic, riparian, and wetland species. Of the 404, mountaintop removal coal mining is specifically responsible for threatening 30. According to the CBD, over 28 percent of southeastern fishes,…

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A Personal Reflection- Larry Gibson and a Movement to Save Mountains

This is a personal account, written by Megan Naylor, student at Appalachian State University and superstar volunteer for Appalachian Voices. She became motivated to help end mountaintop removal when she visited Larry Gibson at his home on Kayford Mountain in West Virginia to documented the process and effects of mountaintop removal. Larry Gibson is a…

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3 New Cosponsors for H.R. 1310

The best way to start a Monday is with good news, and this week we have that in triplicate. Last week, three new co-sponsors signed on to H.R. 1310, the Clean Water Protection Act, a historic bill to protect our water and bring an end to the harmful effects of mountaintop removal mining valley fills.…

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All Forms of Mining Must Become Safer for Miners and Communities

Photo: Shane Evans, WV Legislature Appalachian Voices continues to hold the families of Raleigh County in our thoughts and prayers. As we have said before, the loss of these courageous men saddens us deeply, and we continue to support the efforts of all who are working to ensure that no similar tragedy befalls our region…

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Coal Communities in the Spotlight

As the issue of mountaintop removal receives more attention, the focus has increasingly grown to include the people and communities affected by this mining practice. Time Magazine recently did a piece about a mining town that was bought out by Massey Energy, and now for all intents and purposes, no longer exists. This a story…

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Newest Cosponsor of the Appalachia Restoration Act from Ohio

After intense pressure from Ohio Citizen Action, and other constituents, Senator Sherrod Brown from the coal state of Ohio officially became the 11th cosponsor of SB 696, the Appalachia Restoration Act, which would help to end mountaintop removal mining. When Sherrod Brown was serving as the Representative in Ohio’s 13th district up till 2005, he…

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