Enviro News Magazine Covers Mountaintop Removal

LINK TV is an online TV program supported by notables like Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, recently ran a piece about mountaintop removal in their news program. Its a very dramatic piece and will get you fired up. But my only wish is that they showed more of the middle ground, less of the anger…

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Solutions Journal Issue Dedicated to Appalachia

A dynamic group of academics, local community members, and business leaders have produced a unique special issue of Solutions journal dedicated to creating a brighter future for Appalachia. Hear from Wendell Berry, John Todd, Adam Lewis, Sarah Forbes, Erik Reece and many more in the July/August Appalachia special issue of Solutions. • Current AV members:…

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Railroad Earth Will Rock Your Socks Off

The Music on the Mountaintop festival is only a few short weeks away… Have you got your tickets?! Yes? You’re Amazing. No? Go get em! This year the all-star lineup includes Stillwater, New Jersey natives Railroad Earth. Borrowing their name from the Jack Kerouac short story “October in the Railroad Earth,” the group thrives in…

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You Otter Support Clean Water

By Megan Naylor Editorial Communications intern, Spring/Fall 2010 North American River Otters are the jesters of the waterways. Officially they belong to the Mustelidae family, sharing ancestry with badgers, minks and weasels. It is not unusual to see them using grass, mud and snow banks leading to the river as their own personal playgrounds, slipping…

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Brittney’s Appalachian Voices Internship Experience

By Brittney Baker After being offered (and accepting!) the Outreach Assistant position I was eager to start my internship at Appalachian Voices. Finally, in mid-May I started my position. Throughout my position I have learned, worked hard, and have constantly been amazed and impressed at the talented staff and supporters of Appalachian Voices. Appalachian Treasures…

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Solar, So Hot Right Now. Solar.

For serious. Just check out last week’s NYTimes piece entitled Nuclear Energy Loses Cost Advantage, which notes: Solar photovoltaic systems have long been painted as a clean way to generate electricity, but expensive compared with other alternatives to oil, like nuclear power. No longer. In a “historic crossover,” the costs of solar photovoltaic systems have…

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EPA Bites Thumb at Climate Change Deniers

Yay! Kinda like this but with less pink hair… Yesterday, the agency rejected 10 petitions, including those of coal companies such as Massey Energy and Peabody Energy, that challenged the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 determination that climate change is real, caused by humans and a threat to human health and the environment. According to EPA…

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