Clean Water Warrior: Lessons from the Front Lines

By Molly Moore For Rick Handshoe, the trouble started in the mid-nineties, when coal mining began near his father and sister’s homes and his sister lost use of her well. Since then, six wells – including the one dug by his ancestors — have dried up or been contaminated with explosive levels of methane on…

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Despite Court Ruling, Obama Administration Can Still Protect Streams from Mountaintop Removal Mining – And Should

Environmental and community advocates got some jarring news Tuesday when a federal judge rejected EPA’s “guidance” on surface mine permitting in Appalachia — the centerpiece of its 3-year effort to curtail the environmental damage caused by mountaintop removal coal mining. While it was unwelcome news, it was not as devastating as portrayed in the initial…

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New Report Details How Duke Energy Can Save the Carolinas Billions

This is a repost from Greenpeace’s Quit Coal blog, written by their NC Organizer, Monica Embrey.. Amidst a whirlwind of controversy this past month, the new Duke Energy has an opportunity to lead the country and act in the best interest of its ratepayers, shareholders and the planet. Today, Greenpeace released our report (PDF) that…

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Celebrating the Past, Working for the Future

I have only seen a bald eagle in the wild once. It was during an otherwise uneventful excursion on Lake James near Morganton, N.C. It soared silently overhead, and in a matter of seconds I felt my stomach tighten, the hair on my arms stood up and tears welled up in my eyes. I considered…

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Dirty Congressional Coal Ash Proposal Smothered in Negotiations

Congressional Research Service Report Shows Little Change in State Programs if Congress Had Its Way By Erin Burks Red, White and Water intern, Summer 2012 Transportation bill negotiations between the House and Senate came to a close on June 29 and an amendment blocking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to finalize coal ash storage…

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Official EPA Comments on 36 Ky Permits

Appalachian Voices submitted official comments following the EPA’s public hearing on June 2nd and 4th. Our comments affirm the EPA’s objections to 36 water pollutant discharge permits for surface mines in Kentucky. The 36 draft permits were issued by the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet. Under the Clean Water Act, the EPA must ensure state…

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VICTORY: Alexander, Hagan, Rockefeller vote for Clean Air

Inhofe Resolution fails despite support of Virginia Senators Webb, Warner Big news out of the Senate as Senator Inhofe’s most recent effort to stop clean air protections (SR 37) was killed by a vote of 46 to 53. Much more on the specifics of the legislation here. A handful of Republicans, including Senator Lamar Alexander…

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Raleigh Legislature Hosts Citizens’ Lobby Day for Renewable Energy

There’s just something fitting about North Carolina renewable energy advocates getting up ahead of the sun – and this is exactly what they did on Tuesday June 12th as they rolled out of bed for the 7:00 AM convening of the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Society’s Citizen Lobby Day. Why such an early start? Renewable…

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7th Annual Week in Washington shakes Capitol Hill

By Kate Finneran Appalachian Voices National Field Coordinator, 2011-12 Thank you to everyone for making this Week in Washington such a success! Thanks to all of your efforts we had over 135 people in D.C. lobbying simultaneously to end mountaintop removal, attended over 120 meetings, and created a ripple effect of change that we will…

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