Bill Seeks Moratorium on Mountaintop Removal Permits | Black Lung Increasing in Appalachia

New Bill Seeks Moratorium on Mountaintop Removal Permits Representatives in Washington introduced a bill that would halt permitting for mountaintop removal coal mining until federal studies on health impacts can be conducted. Thirteen congressional representatives from nine states unveiled H.R. 5959, the Appalachian Communities Health Emergency Act in mid-June, with the help of the Appalachian…

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Hidden Treasures #3 – Ohio

Welcome to the third installment of our exploration of some of the most beautiful, off-the-beaten-path places in the Central and Southern Appalachian Mountains. In this issue, we hand picked some water-related hot spots perfect for late summer days: hikes, waterfalls, swimming holes and everything in between — areas that are perfect for dipping your toes,…

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The Coalfields Expressway: 50-Mile Strip Mine Slated for Virginia

By Mike McCoy The Virginia Department of Transportation and Alpha Natural Resources are teaming up in a public-private partnership to create a 50-mile road and strip mine in Southwestern Virginia. Called the Coalfield Expressway, the road would run from Pound in Wise County northeast to the West Virginia border. The expressway is also slated to…

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Coal’s Cloudy Future: The Factors in The Fossil Fuel’s Decline

By Brian Sewell A light winter that dented demand is the least of the coal industry’s worries in a year of unprecedented challenges that may point to a very frigid future. While the industry is familiar with market fluctuations and the shifting regulatory framework, analysts considering coal’s present challenges, especially natural gas’ affordability and abundance,…

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Hidden Treasures #3 – North Carolina

Welcome to the third installment of our exploration of some of the most beautiful, off-the-beaten-path places in the Central and Southern Appalachian Mountains. In this issue, we hand picked some water-related hot spots perfect for late summer days: hikes, waterfalls, swimming holes and everything in between — areas that are perfect for dipping your toes,…

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Stand Up That Mountain: A Contemporary Tale of Conservation

By Brian Sewell In the movement to end destructive mining practices that have made parts of Appalachia a sacrifice zone, stories of David versus Goliath proportions often emerge. In “Stand Up That Mountain,” Jay Erskine Leutze relates his own underdog tale in personal and powerful fashion. It all began the day that Leutze received a…

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Hidden Treasures #3 – Georgia

Hidden Treasures #3 RELATED STORIES Appalachian Blueways | West Virginia Kentucky | Virginia | OhioNorth Carolina | South Carolina Tennessee | Georgia | Pennsylvania Welcome to the third installment of our exploration of some of the most beautiful, off-the-beaten-path places in the Central and Southern Appalachian Mountains. In this issue, we hand picked some water-related…

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The Blueberry Years: An Ode to Farming and Family

Reviewed by Kara Dodson The story of Jim and Sarah Minick’s years managing a blueberry farm read as sweet as a warm, ripe berry plucked from the bush. The courageous and loving young homesteaders recount ten years of preparing, planting, and picking to bring alive a shared dream: an organic, pick-your-own blueberry farm in Floyd…

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Hidden Treasures #3 — Appalachian Blueways

Hidden Treasures #3 RELATED STORIES Appalachian Blueways | West Virginia Kentucky | Virginia | OhioNorth Carolina | South Carolina Tennessee | Georgia | Pennsylvania Welcome to the third installment of our exploration of some of the most beautiful, off-the-beaten-path places in the Central and Southern Appalachian Mountains. In this issue, we hand picked some water-related…

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A Hearty Thanks to Our Selfless Summer Interns

While we are fortunate each season to gather to us many fine interns from around the region, this summer we had a bumper crop of 12 impressive, highly qualified young minds helping us in all capacities. For our very busy and growing state campaigns, Stacy Casey (SIT Graduate Institute) handled volunteer recruitment and mobilization in…

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