Written by Ridge Graham


Ridge Graham

A graduate of Appalachian State University with a B.S. in ecology and evolutionary biology, Ridge served as our AmeriCorps Outreach Associate from 2015-17 and is now on staff as the Field Coordinator for our North Carolina program.

dozens of people hold colorful signs, with a black-and-white "stop mvp" sign above. Part of the capitol building in the background

Four ways to help stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline and the dirty deal this week

It’s a critical moment in the movement against the Mountain Valley Pipeline and the effort to stop the polluter giveaway in Congress. Here are four ways to act.

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North Carolina Issues General Biogas Permit

On July 1, the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality issued a general permit for biogas digesters that convert animal waste into methane for energy production, as required by the N.C. 2021 Farm Act.

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Photo of MVP protestors

Legal victories against Mountain Valley Pipeline make completion unlikely

Prospects for the future of the Mountain Valley Pipeline are grim for the company and its investors after recent decisions by judges at the federal leval and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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Army Corps reopens Mountain Valley Pipeline application to dump into rivers

Due to all of the feedback and pressure that we and many concerned citizens gave the United States Army Corps of Engineers, they have opened a second comment period for Mountain Valley Pipeline’s 404 permit application.

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Updates in the fight against MVP and MVP Southgate

Catch up on updates about the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline and its Southgate extension with upcoming events, regulatory developments and the latest news about construction of these projects and the communities fighting back.

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mountain valley pipeline

Time’s up for the Mountain Valley Pipeline

More than 43,000 people agree — regulators need to reject MVP’s request for a deadline extension.

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NC pipeline permit for MVP Southgate denied!

North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality denied a water quality permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate extension on the grounds that the MVP mainline is not yet completed.

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It’s high time to abandon ship on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Try as they might, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have never been able to justify the tremendous environmental and social costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline — nor the project’s economic burden on customers. As they meet with shareholders this week, they should abandon ship on this boondoggle.

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North Carolinians Speak Out Against Fracked Gas Projects

In November, North Carolina landowners and concerned residents spoke out against the proposed MVP Southgate Pipeline and a proposed liquefied natural gas facility.

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North Carolina shows up strong against fracked-gas projects

North Carolinians are turning out strong to stand for environmental justice and water quality and to stop unneeded fracked-gas projects.

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