Written by Molly Moore
Molly Moore
Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.
Virginia Approves Dominion Solar Pilot Program
Dominion Energy’s pilot program will allow ratepayers to to receive all or part of their electricity from Virginia solar farms for an additional cost.
The Clinch Coalition Celebrates 20 Years
The grassroots environmental group has helped to protect the natural resources within the Jefferson National Forest for 20 years.
Stewarding Our National Forests
National forests belong to all of us, so we all have an opportunity to shape their direction.
Environmental Votetracker — Aug/Sept 2018 issue
Chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted on recent environmental legislation.
Powell Valley Electric Co-op Members Raise Their Voices
Members of Powell Valley Electric Cooperative have launched a campaign to make their cooperative more transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of its communities. The group has three candidates running for board seats and submitted a bylaw amendment.
Tell Virginia’s Governor to Plan for Clean Energy
Virginia is drafting a state energy plan, so it’s time to tell Gov. Northam that we should work to replace an outdated, fossil-fuel based economy with a sustainable, clean energy economy
Empowering Citizens at the 2018 Water Justice Summit
Water defenders and community activists from across Central…
Oil and Gas Drilling in Appalachia’s National Forests
Oil and gas reserves can be found beneath the Allegheny, Monongahela, Wayne, Daniel Boone, George Washington and Jefferson national forests. But while some forests have a high number of drilling wells, others have none or relatively few.
Environmental Votetracker — June/July 2018 issue
Chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted on recent environmental legislation.