Written by JW Randolph


JW Randolph

Raised on the banks of the Tennessee River, JW's work to create progress in his home state and throughout Appalachia has been featured on the Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Kos and Grist. He served first as Appalachian Voices’ Legislative Associate and then Tennessee director until leaving to pursue a career in medicine in 2012.

2 More Mining Deaths

Underground scoop operator Todd Upton, this week, became…

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Windmills and the Ridge Law

The Watauga County Planning Board has recommended an…

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Water Contamination Reaches Durham County

Despite the more than 21,000 N.C. sites that…

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The EPA just announced the winner for its’…

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Bison Farming on the Rise

“Some people golf. Some people go fishing,” said…

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Open Thread

Lots of sad news lately. Whats happenin in…

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Five Miners Killed

From the Gaurdian: An explosion in an eastern…

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4000 More Textile Jobs Lost

(Hat tip to Facing South) Avondale Mills will…

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New OSM Chief Dangerous?

From the Lexington (KY) Herald-Leader: One of the…

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The Disappearing Wilderness

Environment North Carolina has given us a great…

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