Written by JW Randolph


JW Randolph

Raised on the banks of the Tennessee River, JW's work to create progress in his home state and throughout Appalachia has been featured on the Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Kos and Grist. He served first as Appalachian Voices’ Legislative Associate and then Tennessee director until leaving to pursue a career in medicine in 2012.

For the Last Time…

Im so sick and tired of seeing this……

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Who Runs Appalachian Republicans?

Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy. Thats who….

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HUGE: NYT – “Taking On a Coal Mining Practice as a Matter of Faith”

In what may be a pivotal turning point…

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Whats on My Mind?

Congress can and WILL end mountaintop removal coal-mining….

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The Senate Must Do Its Job

After calling just about everyone who works in…

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Not Even Funny

I called MSHA ((202) 693-9400) to let them…

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Mine Workers OUTRAGED at Recess Appointment

Unions have come out swinging against the recess…

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West Virginians Against the State Slogan “Open for Business”

To: Joe Manchin III, Governor of West Virginia…

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Well Grandson, the Ozone layer used to be….

New imagery shows a hole in the ozone…

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Who Upholds a Miner’s Last Defense?

Last year, the Bush Administration attempted to put…

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