Written by Front Porch Blog Editor


Front Porch Blog Editor

Interest in biomass as fuel source is heating up across state

[South Carolina] Companies across the state are testing…

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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Proposes Revised Recovery Plan for the Indiana Bat

On Monday, August 16, the U.S. Fish and…

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Wildlife Management Workshop

Wildlife Management Workshop: Ecology, Management and ID of…

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Mississippi & Louisiana SAF Conference- Forestry: The New Energy Frontier

April 17-19, Natchez, MS, CFE credits, http://www.cfr.msstate.edu/mssaf/meeting.html News…

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Forest management rules suspended

Judge orders the White House to assess the…

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Smithsonian scientists report new carbon dioxide study

Increased atmospheric CO2 stimulates soils to release, not…

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Alternative construction materials raking in green despite downturn

[Florida] The housing downturn is leaving one part…

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Premium hard to come by on ‘green’ wood

[Oregon] Some consumers go out of their way…

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Lawmakers Oppose Illegal Timber Trade

[Washington, DC] Now some lawmakers want to crack…

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Harriet Simpson Arnow Conference on Appalachian Literature and Culture

The 2007 Harriette Simpson Arnow Conference on Appalachian…

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