Written by Dan Radmacher


Dan Radmacher

Dan is Appalachian Voice's Media Specialist. Previously, he worked as an opinion journalist for newspapers in Illinois, West Virginia, Florida and Virginia, and then as a communications consultant for a number of environmental nonprofit organizations.

workers cleaning up mine site

Statement by Appalachian Voices on House Appropriations Committee proposed cuts to interior and environment agency budgets

Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee released its proposed FY 2024 budget for the Department of Interior and Environmental Protection Agency. The proposal includes a 10% budget cut to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s operational budget, while also providing a $1 million increase to the budget for the Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization Program.

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Federal court stays Mountain Valley Pipeline’s biological opinion again

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit issued a stay of the biological opinion and incidental take statement under the Endangered Species Act for the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

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normal human lung compared to diseased lung

Advocates, coal miners applaud progress towards new silica dust rule

Today, the Biden Administration’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) released a long-delayed draft rule to protect coal miners from exposure to respirable silica — the principal cause of the resurgence of deadly black lung disease.

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Statement by Appalachian Voices on FERC allowing construction of Mountain Valley Pipeline to resume

We know that the MVP cannot be built in compliance with our nation’s bedrock environmental laws — which is why the company and its supporters went to the extraordinary length of having Congress attempt to sidestep them.

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TDEC to hold public hearing regarding application for water permits associated with proposed pipeline project

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation will hold an informational session followed by a public hearing concerning Section 401 Water Quality Certification for stream and wetland alterations associated with the Cumberland Gas Pipeline Project that would span three rural Tennessee counties, crossing seven wetlands and 155 streams.

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Environmental and community groups challenge effort to throw out Mountain Valley Pipeline lawsuit

Late Monday, environmental and community organizations filed a response opposing efforts by the U.S. Department of Justice and Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, to dismiss the environmental groups’ pending challenge to the latest biological opinion and incidental take statement under the Endangered Species Act for the ill-advised Mountain Valley Pipeline.

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MVP Southgate protest sign

Statement by Appalachian Voices on MVP Southgate’s certificate extension request

This Southgate pipeline is not in the public interest and the developers have not demonstrated its viability.

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Anger and grief over MVP inclusion in debt deal are warranted, but the fight continues

For those who have poured heart and soul into the fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline for nearly a decade, June 1 was a horrible night.

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TVA seeking public comments on new gas plans for Ashland City

Next Wednesday, June 21, community members from Ashland City will be at the David McCullough Community Room to get more information about a proposed methane gas plant, battery storage system and 12-mile gas pipeline near their homes in Cheatham County.

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Air Pollution Control Board votes to remove Virginia from Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Today, Virginia’s Air Pollution Control Board decided to remove the state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. In a 4-3 vote, the board carried out the wishes of Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who has targeted RGGI since taking office.

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