Written by Brian Sewell


Brian Sewell

Brian is an environmental news junkie concerned with our lagging energy policy and revealing the true cost of coal on our health, the environment and the climate. He is Appalachian Voices' Director of Strategic Advancement.

Stop Brushing off the Bad Stuff

West Virginia University professor and public health researcher…

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Lesson Learned: The Buffalo Creek Flood

I woke up this morning to a frozen…

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N.C. Rep. Pricey Harrison to Make Case for Federal Environmental Protections

On Friday morning, North Carolina Rep. Pricey Harrison…

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New Report Explores the Frontiers of Energy Efficiency

After combing through the American Council for an…

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More Southeastern Coal Units Scheduled to Retire

Georgia Power, the largest subsidiary of Atlanta, Ga.-based…

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A New Year, New Plants for Duke Energy

As we ring in the New Year, Duke…

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Coal Industry Costs Virginians Millions of Dollars Every Year

New report suggests shifting money to diversify coalfield…

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New Interactive Web Tool Gives Details About Southeast’s Toxic Coal Ash

Project highlights ongoing problems four years after Kingston,…

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A Physician’s Take on Coal Pollution

A few weeks after releasing our report, The…

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Don’t Depress, Divest — Reflections on 350.org’s Climate Change Roadshow

On Monday, author and environmentalist Bill McKibben and…

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