Citizen Stories


On January 9, 2014, a chemical called MCHM leaked into the water supply of 300,000 West Virginia residents, causing a crisis unlike anything that America has dealt with before. These are stories of the affected as well as those of folks trying to help.

Forty Minutes From Fresh Water

“The smell alone, with no physical contact, is burning our eyes, nose and mouth…”S. Rhodes


Life Is Surreal Since The Chemical Spill

“There is no trust. We have been violated and lied to.”Linda Frame


Fending For Yourself

“If you don’t stick up for yourself the water company’s not going to stick up for you.”William Holsting

West Virginia Pride

“West Virginians stay strong no matter what happens.”Hannah Spencer

An Expanded Idea Of Leadership

“I’ve witnessed all these incredible people working together to fill truck after truck.”Jen Osha Buysse


A Son’s Outrage

“My father’s water is an “unidentified substance” now.”Dustin White

Water Crisis In West Virginia


One Seriously Angry Granny

“The thing that scares me most is that I am certain that this was in the water long before residents discovered the spill.”Linda Sodaro

Wary And Waiting

“Being a three-time cancer survivor makes me wary about the long-term effects of this.”Karen Smith Zornes


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