Front Porch Blog

Save the cypress campaign may help Miss.

Pine straw a fine mulch alternative
[ Mississippi ] Louisiana environmentalists this week kicked off a campaign to reign in the unsustainable harvest of cypress trees for mulch, and their success could help boost Mississippi ‘s economy. The coalition of environmental groups called on major national chains to stop selling mulch made from the tree. Hughes said any success garnered by the Louisiana conservationists could translate into money coming to Mississippi . One of the chief alternatives to cypress mulch for landscaping is pine straw, which is readily available throughout the state and is raked from the ground under live trees. “Right now, there is a fairly active, informal pine straw industry in Mississippi ,” Hughes said. “At this point we are not supplying the Wal-Marts of the world with it, but we could.”

News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes





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