Front Porch Blog

Roadless, once again

By reinstating the forest Roadless Rule, the judiciary brings forest policy in line with public sentiment once more.
[ Washington , DC ] Conservationists haven ‘ t had much good news to celebrate in the past few years, but last week they were given a reason to cheer when a federal judge reinstated the Forest Service ‘ s Roadless Rule, a forest policy enacted by the Clinton administration in 2001. In the ruling, U.S. District Judge Judy Laporte cited the Bush administration ‘ s failure to incorporate the provisions of the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act when it changed the Roadless Rule. The reinstatement of this rule protects the remaining roadless forest land across the country and is a shining example of a science-oriented and public-driven forest policy. Nationwide, the rule affects 58.5 million acres…This represents about 2 percent of our nation ‘ s land area, or 31 percent of our national forests.

News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes





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