Press Release

TDEC to hold public hearing regarding application for water permits associated with proposed pipeline project

June 27, 2023

Angie Mummaw, Middle Tennessee Organizer, (931) 436-8210,
Dan Radmacher, Media Specialist, (540) 798-6683,

Dickson, Tenn. — The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation will hold an informational session followed by a public hearing concerning Section 401 Water Quality Certification for stream and wetland alterations associated with the Cumberland Gas Pipeline Project that would span three rural Tennessee counties, crossing seven wetlands and 155 streams.

This is a key opportunity for community members to express their concerns to TDEC, the state agency which plans to provide a permit that will allow Kinder Morgan to disturb more than 150 local streams and bedrock to build the pipeline.

The Tennessee Valley Authority recently made the decision to replace one of the coal-fired units at the Cumberland Fossil Plant with a methane gas-burning plant, however, TVA cannot have a gas plant without a pipeline and separate permits need to be obtained by gas giant Kinder Morgan.

The gas company is currently seeking an aquatic resource alteration permit (ARAP) and is proposing the following alterations:

  • Temporary impacts to approximately 5,400 linear feet of stream
  • Temporary water withdrawals from eight streams and one reservoir
  • Permanent impacts to 490 linear feet of stream associated with the construction of a 32-mile, 30-inch diameter methane gas pipeline

Middle Tennessee’s natural waterways provide crucial habitat and ecological services to the environment. Locals are concerned that the disturbances will negatively impact biodiversity and water quality and that the harms will not be “temporary,” as Kinder Morgan claims. Many of these waters serve as drinking water for people, wildlife, and livestock. They also provide natural filtration systems and are cultural resources for fishing and kayaking.

This is the public’s opportunity to speak up and let TDEC know how this alteration of Tennessee’s waters may affect them.

Dickson County Government Building
303 Henslee Drive
Dickson, TN 37055

July 6, 2023
Informational Session: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.


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