June 14, 2023
Angie Mummaw, Middle Tennessee Organizer,
Dan Radmacher, Media Specialist,
Ashland City, Tenn. — Next Wednesday, June 21, community members from Ashland City will be at the David McCullough Community Room to get more information about a proposed methane gas plant, battery storage system and 12-mile gas pipeline near their homes in Cheatham County.
When TVA made the $1.4 million purchase of 280 acres in Cheatham County in 2020, it was unclear how the utility intended to use the land. Last month, TVA released a notice of intent that revealed plans to invest in more fossil fuels by building a gas plant on the land located north of Ashland City, just south of Lockertsville Road. This generation site would be used to partially replace one of the coal-burning units at the Cumberland City fossil plant set to be retired by 2028. TVA intends to retire the first coal-burning unit at Cumberland City by the end of 2026 with plans to build a methane gas-burning plant onsite, requiring a separate 32-mile pipeline that would span Stewart, Houston and Dickson counties.
Local residents may be concerned that they may be subjected to the cost of decades of higher electric bills due to gas price volatility. Those along the proposed pipeline paths stand to lose the rights to, and use of their land, which could be taken by the pipeline company through eminent domain. Gas pipeline construction has also been known to contaminate or redirect groundwater and surface water in some cases.
An existing Kinder Morgan pipeline exploded in Dickson County in 1992 and many residents still remember how local first responders struggled to put out the intense flames, which burned more than 400 acres. These gas plans may also disrupt the natural environment and could endanger plants and animals — like bats. Many local species are proposed to be or already are listed as endangered or threatened under state and federal law.
There will be a public scoping period before TVA prepares the draft EIS to address the potential environmental impacts related to the proposed construction and operation of a methane gas combustion turbine, battery storage system, and 12-mile pipeline in Cheatham County. Details for the meeting are below. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
June 21
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. CDT
David McCullough Community Room
334 Frey Street
Ashland City, Tennessee 37015
For more information: