Front Porch Blog

Join the Watauga River Cleanup Saturday Sept. 25

Volunteers Kayaking with Trash at last Years Big Sweep

Come out and join us this Saturday (September 25) to help clean up the Watauga River. Starting at 9am groups will be picking up trash from the Watauga River from Foscoe all the way to the Guy Ford Road Bridge, covering a total of nearly 30 miles of stream. Because of extremely low water levels this year, all of the clean up teams will be land based, since there isn’t enough water to float canoes.

Last year 172 volunteers cleaned up 6,000 pounds of trash! This year we hope to get even more junk.

For more pictures and a video from last year’s clean up visit the Watauga Riverkeeper blog.

If you are interested in helping out or want some more information please contact Eric at App Voices ( 828-262-1500) or Wendy at the Agricultural Extension Office ( 828-264-3061).




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