Front Porch Blog

US Senate Joins Movement to End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

March 26th, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 35,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

 Sen. Alexander      Sen. Cardin

Now we’ve got momentum — and we need you to act.

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it was reviewing hundreds of mountaintop removal coal mining permits.

We wrote to ask you to thank the administration for taking this bold stance against the devastation of mountaintop removal coal mining, and asked you to help make the EPA’s decision permanent by telling the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the Clean Water Protection Act.

And yesterday, for the first time ever, a companion bill to the Clean Water Protection Act was introduced in the U.S. Senate.

Two U.S. senators from coal producing states — Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) and Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) — introduced the Appalachia Restoration Act (S 696), which would amend the Clean Water Act to prevent the dumping of toxic mining waste from mountaintop removal coal mining into headwater streams and rivers.

Can you contract your Senators today, and urge them to support (co-sponsor?) the Appalachia Restoration Act?

In introducing the legislation, Senator Cardin said: “My goal is to put a stop to one of the most destructive mining practices that has already destroyed some of America’s most beautiful and ecologically significant regions. This legislation will put a stop to the smothering of our nation’s streams and water systems and will restore the Clean Water Act to its original intent.”

“It is not necessary to destroy our mountaintops in order to have enough coal,” said Senator Alexander. “Millions of tourists spend tens of millions of dollars in Tennessee every year to enjoy the natural beauty of our mountains – a beauty that, for me, and I believe for most Tennesseans, makes us proud to live here.”

Senator Alexander has it right. This is not an either/or choice — it’s about saving the environment and creating new jobs.

Please, contact your Senator today and urge them to support this important bipartisan bill:

With your help, the Clean Water Protection Act can pass the House and Senate this year — and put a permanent end to the worst practices of mountaintop removal coal mining.

Thank you for taking action.

Matt Wasson

PS Please forward this email to your friends and family, and ask them to take action by contacting their Senators today!




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