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Groups urge expansion of NC utility shutoff moratorium during Covid-19

CONTACT: Rory McIlmoil, Sr. Energy Analyst, Appalachian Voices,, (423) 433-9415 Maria Michalos, Eastern Regional Communications Manager, Natural Resources Defense Council,, (631) 848-1588 Al Ripley, Director, Consumer, Housing and Energy Project, NC Justice Center,, (919) 274-8245 Hilary Lewis,


Public interest groups unite to form Duke Energy watchdog

CONTACT: Rory McIlmoil, Sr. Energy Analyst, Cat McCue, Sr. Communications & Public Engagement Strategist, WASHINGTON – A coalition of public interest, social justice, watchdog and environmental groups are joining forces to hold Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned U.S.


It’s high time to abandon ship on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Try as they might, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have never been able to justify the tremendous environmental and social costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline — nor the project’s economic burden on customers. As they meet with shareholders this week, they should abandon ship on this boondoggle.


NC groups call for prohibition of all utility shut-offs in state due to covid-19

CONTACT: Al Ripley, Director Consumer, Housing and Energy Project NC Justice Center (919) 274-8245 Rory McIlmoil, Senior Energy Analyst Appalachian Voices (828) 262-3385 RALEIGH — Nearly 30 organizations serving communities across North Carolina sent a letter today commending


It’s Not Your Imagination — Utilities Are Seeking More Rate Increases

chart showing U.S. Electricity rate cases filed with utility regulators from 1980-2018

Utilities may be requesting more rate hikes, but more and more legislators are refusing utility money, and communities continue to protest rate hikes.


Beginning of the End of North Carolina’s Coal Ash Crisis

The multi-year fight to clean up Duke Energy’s toxic coal ash pits in North Carolina has been difficult — but community advocates scored a major victory in January when the state ordered the monopoly utility to excavate its remaining ash landfills.


No Rate Hikes for Dirty Energy!

Show up to a public hearing or email North Carolina regulators and tell them to stop Duke Energy’s latest rate hike!


Celebrating a Coal Ash Win in N.C.

We celebrated a major victory alongside residents living near Duke Energy’s North Carolina coal ash pits in January when the state ordered the monopoly utility to clean up their mess.


Duke Energy rate hike hearings underway in North Carolina


Duke Energy is trying yet again to make ratepayers foot the bill for coal ash cleanup and so-called grid-improvement — but time is still left to tell North Carolina ratepayers No More Rate Hikes for Dirty Energy!


Beginning of the end of N.C.’s coal ash crisis

North Carolinians have won a major victory with the announcement that Duke Energy would remove coal ash from its remaining sites. Appalachian Voices is proud to have worked side-by-side with the people who fought so hard, for so long to defend their communities.


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