Looking Beyond November

Last week, Appalachian Voices was on the front lines of our democracy at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. Our “bourbon and bluegrass” reception for our friends and allies was a smashing success, with impassioned calls to end mountaintop removal coal mining and rousing endorsements of our work from Sen. Ben Cardin, Van Jones and…

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Moving Our Energy Policy Forward

Appalachian Voices’ Director of Programs Matt Wasson addresses a live and online audience about mountaintop removal and coal waste. Tennessee Director JW Randolph and D.C. Director Kate Rooth greet EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson at the DNC. Last night, it was great to see our Director of Programs Matt Wasson, our good friend from Tennessee, Ann…

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DNC Dispatch: Key political players attend App Voices party

Greetings from the DNC! We had an absolutely fantastic evening at our “Bourbon, Bluegrass and a Better Future for Appalachia” reception in the heart of the convention area in uptown Charlotte yesterday. A full house joined us to celebrate our work protecting the environment and communities of Appalachia. Van Jones speaks to a crowd of…

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Happy Labor Day from AV at the DNC

App Voices’ staff Lenny Kohm and Cat McCue arrive at CarolinaFest, one of the day-long kickoff events at the DNC Happy Labor Day! Appalachian Voices is in Uptown Charlotte today joining thousands of others to experience the 2012 Democratic National Convention. And what a scene it is! Instead of avoiding the crowd this Labor Day,…

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Speaking Truth to Power: Appalachian Voices at the DNC

From the halls of Congress to small churches and community centers, Appalachian Voices has worked for years to make mountaintop removal an issue of national importance and awareness. Our members, volunteers and staff understand the importance of speaking truth to power with one strong collective voice. This is why next week we will travel to…

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