Speaking Truth to Power: Appalachian Voices at the DNC

From the halls of Congress to small churches and community centers, Appalachian Voices has worked for years to make mountaintop removal an issue of national importance and awareness. Our members, volunteers and staff understand the importance of speaking truth to power with one strong collective voice. This is why next week we will travel to…

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Legislation Addressing Health Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Introduced in Congress

Today, Representatives Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Louise Slaughter (D-NY), and 11 Democratic cosponsors are introducing the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act into the 112th Congress. The bill seeks to help end mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia by highlighting the health impacts associated with the practice. We applaud this effort to bring the daily tragedy that is…

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Appalachian Treasures on tour out West!

By Kate Finneran Appalachian Voices National Field Coordinator, 2011-12 The Appalachian Treasures Tour is out West right now! Our own Lenny Kohm is out on the road in Arizona currently and headed to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Fullerton, and then Northern California! Click here for upcoming tour dates. In order to bring the country together…

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