Solar Simplified

In our communities, we take care of each other and our land. That means making sure we have reliable, safe and affordable power that protects our communities. We can do this with solar energy.

But most power companies want us to keep paying them for energy that creates more air and water pollution. While other parts of the country are already seeing benefits from solar, many communities in Appalachia and the Southeast are being left behind.

New funding opportunities are making solar more feasible for communities like ours. We can’t wait for major power companies to catch up and do the right thing. Now’s the time for us to come together with our communities to make plans and take control of our energy future so that we can save money and take care of our land.

This spring, join Appalachian Voices and special guests for three webinars where we’ll share information and tools while hearing from people who have firsthand experience with solar.

If you are working on a solar project in your community and would like to talk with our team, email solarsimplified[at]

Past Events

Webinar 1: Sharing the Benefits and Tackling Concerns about Solar

Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 7 – 8 p.m. ET

Solar projects will help us be more self-reliant, save money, and take better care of our land and our people. But fossil fuel interests are spreading deliberate misinformation to stop our communities from moving forward with renewable energy. With more funding available than ever before to help us create our own power, it’s critical our communities aren’t left out.

Have you heard concerns about solar’s impact? We’ve heard it too. In this webinar, we’ll talk through concerns we hear about solar, especially in the rural southeastern communities we call home, and share the facts.

Whether you’re excited about solar or still on the fence, you’ll leave this webinar with an increased understanding of solar and the tools you need to talk with your neighbors about these concerns. We hope you can join us for this important conversation about solar!

Watch a recording of the webinar:

Webinar 2: Solar for your home

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024, 7 – 8 p.m. ET

Are you a homeowner interested in the benefits of solar energy and how it can positively impact your life and the environment? During this webinar we will explore the various advantages of installing solar panels for your home and provide guidance on how to go solar.

We’ll discuss:

  • The various financial incentives and rebates available for homeowners who install solar panels, making the transition to solar even more affordable.
  • The independence and self-sufficiency that comes with generating your own clean energy, reducing reliance on external power sources.
  • How solar power can significantly reduce or eliminate your electricity bills, providing long-term savings for homeowners.
  • How solar panels can contribute to a stronger power grid and provide backup power during grid outages or emergencies.
  • How solar combats climate change and protects our natural areas by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The broader economic benefits of solar, including job opportunities in solar installation, manufacturing and maintenance.

During the Q&A session, engage with solar experts to address any doubts or questions you may have about solar energy, installation or incentives. Join us for the “Solar for Your Home” webinar and embark on your journey towards a greener, cost-effective and sustainable energy future.

Webinar 3: Solar by the community for the community

Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, 7 – 8 p.m. ET

Interested in gaining energy independence, cutting pollution and reducing utility bills for your community? Join us to learn from community leaders who have championed solar projects that have benefited their localities. In this webinar, we’ll explore how solar projects can be designed to bring real benefits to any community and how to make these projects happen. A diverse panel of community leaders will share lessons learned from their experiences advocating for and developing local solar projects.

The webinar will share real-life examples of how solar ownership has helped communities build equity, gain energy independence, and build resilience to power outages. Communities come in all shapes and sizes and so do solar projects. Join us to consider how solar might benefit your community.

Watch a recording of the webinar:

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