Press Room

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Latest Releases From Appalachian Voices

MVP and ACP fracked-gas projects both dealt major blows — again

100 sign letter supporting Va. citizens fighting frack gas compressor station

Citizens herald major setbacks for controversial fracked-gas pipelines

Corps suspends stream-crossing permit for entire length of Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Expired mining permit poses risks to Coal River Mountain and surrounding communities

Appalachian Voices calls on Gov. Northam to respect citizen boards and environmental justice

Virginia company wins bid to negotiate contracts to install six solar projects in Southwest Virginia

20 former coal sites in Appalachia identified for innovative economic development

Va. air board waits to decide on ACP compressor station

Blue Ridge Energy’s solar policies among the worst in Southeast

3rd water-crossing permit suspended on Mountain Valley Pipeline

Mountain Valley Pipeline loses authority to cross Virginia waters

Federal court vacates key permit in W. Va. for Mountain Valley Pipeline

While the nation celebrates Energy Efficiency Day, N.C.’s High Country residents left out in the cold

Councilman and constituents deliver black lung resolutions to Congress