NO more fracked-gas pipelines!

Help us protect the amazing places, people and wildlife of Appalachia.

The fossil-fuel industry is pushing hard to build the 300-mile, fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline from West Virginia, over the rugged and biologically rich Appalachian mountains, and into Virginia. And it’s trying to add another 75 miles, the Southgate extension, into North Carolina.

We say “NO”! We helped stop the disastrous Atlantic Coast Pipeline — together, we can stop this one too!

This boondoggle would destroy farms, homes, rivers and wildlife. It would harm human health and worsen the climate crisis. And it is not needed.

Support Appalachian Voices with a donation today!

Founded in 1997, Appalachian Voices works to shift our region from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. We do this by fighting mountaintop removal coal mining and fracked gas pipelines, and working with communities in coal mining regions to build a new economy that protects Appalachia’s mountains, forests and rivers for all.

Learn more