Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Army Corps reopens Mountain Valley Pipeline application to dump into rivers
Due to all of the feedback and pressure that we and many concerned citizens gave the United States Army Corps of Engineers, they have opened a second comment period for Mountain Valley Pipeline’s 404 permit application.
The Sun is Shining on Southwest Virginia’s Growing Solar Industry
Learn about several exciting updates on the bright future for Southwest Virginia’s growing solar energy industry, broken down into four categories: 1) residential solar, 2) commercial solar, 3) utility solar and 4) shared solar!
How acid mine drainage fits into pending mine cleanup legislation: A conversation with Joe Pizarchik
Joe Pizarchik, former head of OSMRE and one of the nation’s foremost experts on complex and sprawling abandoned mine lands issues, provides an essential overview of how acid mine drainage fits into pending legislative proposals and where we should look next.
From the Rockies to Appalachia: Virginia can look to Colorado for electric co-op reform
Undemocratic governance at Virginia’s electric cooperatives is a serious issue that has left co-op members across the state frustrated and ready for reform. Closed-door board meetings and unfair voting practices are two of the issues members hope to change in 2022.
Duke Energy-backed bill would raise rates, doesn’t guarantee climate measures
Instead of taking the path outlined by Governor Cooper’s Clean Energy Plan, Duke Energy has continued to work behind closed doors to write legislation that lines the pockets of its shareholders, on the backs of ratepayers, while failing to guarantee that the 70% carbon reductions envisioned in the bill will even be achieved by the 2030 target date.