
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Rally for the Valley — Come for the fun, stay for the cause to hold TVA accountable

Residents across the Tennessee Valley are coming together on Sept. 21 in Nashville for the Rally in the Valley — an all-day event to call on the Tennessee Valley Authority to bring clean and affordable energy to the region.

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Platform aims to improve resilience to flooding in Appalachia

Studies have shown what anyone in Appalachia can tell you — floods are getting worse in the region. As the climate changes, rainfall events in Appalachia will increase in frequency and intensity, and thus flood risk is also projected to increase.

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Congress can help Appalachia’s economy and environment by supporting REAP

During the transition to a new energy economy, it’s crucial that all people have an opportunity to benefit from affordable, reliable clean energy, including disadvantaged communities.

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Beat the heat: How reliable solar energy is saving our summer

Renewable energy has emerged as a game-changer in boosting grid capacity and preventing blackouts while we crank air conditioning day and night as the summer grinds on.

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Homecoming: Why rural community economic development matters

For too long, Appalachia’s small, rural communities have been largely left to experience their own slow decline in isolation.

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