Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Updates: Stopping the “Tax on the Sun” in Virginia
As the comment period concludes on Appalachian Power Company’s proposed solar “stand-by” charge and next week’s formal regulatory hearing nears, we’re at full swing in a major push for solar freedom in Virginia. There is still time to take action to protect affordable clean energy options for customers.
About gray matter: One artist’s experience with the health impacts of coal ash
To tell the truth
Last month, our director of programs, Matt Wasson, testified before Congress about the perils of mountaintop removal and coal ash pollution, and the failure of some state agencies to protect communities from pollution. While Matt had a rare opportunity to provide a reality check for elected leaders, it’s the people in coal-impacted communities who know this reality better than anyone.
Carl Shoupe: Seeing through the “War on Coal” smokescreen
After last-minute compromise, N.C. legislature passes coal ash bill
However dysfunctional, the North Carolina General Assembly always seems to come together in the end — often in literally the final hours of the legislative session. After a last-minute compromise, the North Carolina legislature passed the coal ash bill on Wednesday, but fell short of promises to protect communities in the wake of the Dan River spill.