Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

The reclamation myth, it’s still happening too
Companies are still using mountaintop removal, blowing up mountains in Appalachia to mine coal. But despite what some say, they are not putting them back together again. Until the Obama administration and Congress take serious action, no amount of reclamation is going to fix the problems the mining is leaving behind.
Employees of DEP-certified lab conspired to violate Clean Water Act
Introducing the High Country Home Makeover Contest
A huge win: Gainesville enacts policy to stop using mountaintop removal coal
Because of the heroic efforts of a group of citizens, Gainesville, Fla., became the first city in America to enact a policy to reduce its reliance on mountaintop removal coal. This victory was the culmination of three and a half years of work that included five hearings by the city commission, hundreds of hours of volunteer work and dozens of meetings with city commissioners.