Written by Appalachian Voices


Appalachian Voices

When Cane Was King: The Story Of Native Bamboo

Traveling around the southern Appalachians, I occasionally glimpse…

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Sustainable Forestry Alliance Forms

As 2001 rolled into its first breath of…

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Sea Kayaking On NC’s Bear Creek Reservoir

Picturesquely nestled in the Appa-lachian mountains near Cullowhee,…

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Bush Energy Plan Short On Conservation

The energy plan recently released by President Bush…

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Inn-To-Inn Hiking

Walking has been called the exercise that needs…

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Energy Hogs Responsible For Degraded U.S. Rivers

A new report by the environmental group American…

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News Briefs

Monongahela NF Increases Cut Conservationists in West Virginia…

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VA’s Iron Furnaces Sparked History Of Forest Abuse

images/avcovers/callietube.gif An early spring visit to the Roaring…

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Bug Buddies: Some Insects Find Power In Numbers

images/voice_uploads/monarchclustr.gif Collecting sassafras sprays to feed the hungry…

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Modern Day Mountain Midwives Help At Home

Childbirth is no longer the mystifying, women-only topic…

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