Dan Radmacher

Dan is Appalachian Voice's Media Specialist. Previously, he worked as an opinion journalist for newspapers in Illinois, West Virginia, Florida and Virginia, and then as a communications consultant for a number of environmental nonprofit organizations.

Blog Archives

The Appalachian Voice

Mine Cleanup Concerns Grow As Industry Declines

This aerial satellite photo looks down on a fissured earthen dam.

The decline of the coal industry is exacerbating failures of the current federal system to ensure that mines are cleaned up.


How the Coal Mine Cleanup System is Failing

A desolate patch of disturbed ground sits as a result of an abandoned surface mine.

The bankruptcy of coal company Blackjewel has exposed many flaws in the current mine cleanup system.


The Tennessee Valley Faces Crossroads Between Methane Gas or Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Under TVA's plan, smokestacks at the Cumberland Fossil Plant would continue to spew pollution into the air. Photo by Angie Mummaw

The Tennessee Valley Authority’s plan to transition away from coal has generated significant push-back from environmental and community groups because of its reliance on methane gas instead of renewable energy.


Seeking to Expand the Impact of Massive Federal Investment in Cleaning Up Abandoned Mines

Orange water in a shallow stream

Following the $11.3 billion investment in abandoned mine cleanup in the infrastructure law, the administration released spending recommendations and a related acid mine drainage cleanup bill passed the House.


Virginia Governor Aims to Remove State from Greenhouse Gas Initiative

In 2021 Gov. Glenn Youngkin campaigned on a promise to get Virginia out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative — a cooperative effort among 12 states to cap and reduce carbon emissions while investing in clean energy, energy efficiency and


How a Pipeline Battle Led an Advocate for Formerly Incarcerated People Into Solar Workforce Development

Men work with solar components

Richard Walker of Bridging the Gap in Virginia is working to make sure vulnerable communities are not left behind in the green energy transformation.


Hundreds of Miles of Streams Designated as Critical Habitat for At-risk Crawfish

To protect the threatened Big Sandy crayfish and the endangered Guyandotte River crayfish, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service formally designated 446 miles of Appalachian streams and rivers as critical habitat.


Blackjewel’s Catastrophic Bankruptcy and the Collapse of the Mine Cleanup System

Revelation Surface Mine

Blackjewel’s bankruptcy demonstrates how the mine cleanup system is coming undone — and how nearby residents bear the burden when coal companies fail to repair their damage.


Virginia Gold Rush

Residents fear a dangerous open-pit gold mine will open in Buckingham County before the Virginia General Assembly acts.


Reinventing Museum Offerings During COVID

kids hold up handmade art on Zoom

Museums throughout the region have found creative ways to connect with the public during COVID, both online and offline. And as many museums resume in-person operations, some are planning to keep these popular new programs.


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