34 community organizations endorse new bipartisan House & Senate bills to address acid mine drainage crisis

CONTACT: Trey Pollard, 202-904-9187, trey@pollardcommunications.com APPALACHIA — Today, advocates and organizations from coal-impacted communities announced their support for the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of Ecosystems from Abandoned Mines (STREAM) Act – new bipartisan legislation that would guarantee that major new investments in abandoned mine land clean up can be directed to address the acid…

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Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition releases recommendations for improving effectiveness and equity of AMLER program

CONTACT: Chelsea Barnes, (614) 205-6424, chelsea@appvoices.org Dan Radmacher, (540) 798-6683, dan@appvoices.org Marissa Lautzenheiser, (330) 859-1050, marissa@ruralaction.org APPALACHIA — Today, the Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition and Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center released a set of 10 recommendations to improve the federal Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization Grant Program, formerly known as AML Pilot. Since 2016, AML Pilot and…

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In yet another significant blow to MVP, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signals stream crossing permit will be indefinitely delayed


CONTACT: Dan Radmacher, (540) 798-6683, dan@appvoices.org Morgan Caplan, (443) 986-1221, Morgan.Caplan@sierraclub.org Washington, DC — This week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers committed to withhold a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) at least until the project has a valid Endangered Species Act biological opinion. This confirmation was received…

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