Intact northern forests worth $250 bln/year

[ Norway ] Forests in northern nations such as Russia and Canada are worth $250 billion a year because of services they provide by purifying water or soaking up greenhouse gases, a researcher said on Tuesday. Mark Anielski, an ecological economist based in Edmonton, Canada, urged governments to follow suit and place value on natural…

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Conservation Economy .net

What does a sustainable society look like? On this site, 57 patterns provide a framework for an ecologically restorative, socially just, and reliably prosperous society. They are adaptable to local ecosystems and cultures, yet universal in their applicability. Together they form what we call a Conservation Economy. News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network…

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Stopping Mountaintop Removal: TARGET TENNESSEE

Mountaintop removal is now storming across my native state of Tennessee. Dozens of MTR permits are out, and several active sites are already devastating the Cumberland Plateau in order to mine the low-quality, high-sulfur coal of central Tennessee. Much of it can not even be burned in the United States. Green represents coal in TN…

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The Elementary School vs. the Strip Mine

[Roselle is the man. Its an honor to work along side a horde of such fantastic people and activists (and musicians 🙂 ) – jdub]. Ed Wiley’s Long March By {encode=”” title=”MIKE ROSELLE”} ( Tonight something very strange and wonderful is happening here on this warm fall evening. The sidewalk in the front of the…

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The link between international trade and conservation

The recent collapse of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations known as the Doha Round will likely hurt attempts to reform federal farm policy, something the Bush administration and many others are very eager to do. Most conservation and environmental officials say an agreement could have shifted federal spending from trade-distorting commodity subsides to the farm…

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Senator Byrd Speaks with Ed

Check out the last line: Byrd Staffer: Im assuming youre not going to walk home? Ed Wiley: [deadpan]…if needs be. Byrd Staffer: Thats youre attitude? I think thats a good way to be. Ed Wiley: Whatever it takes to get the job done Hats off to you Mr. Wiley.

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Judge overturns Bush plan for forests

[ California ] A federal judge on Wednesday reinstated the “Roadless Rule, ‘ ‘ a Clinton-era ban on road construction in nearly a third of national forests – incluidng northeast Georgia ‘ s Chattahoochee . U.S. District Judge Elizabeth Laporte ruled that the Bush administration failed to conduct necessary environmental studies before making changes that…

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Roadless Rule Re-instated

We got them on the run! In a major victory for environmentalists and others who support conservation on public lands, a federal district court on Wednesday reinstated the 2001 Roadless Rule which bars further road construction in National Forests around the country. Heres the protected area Appeals will be forthcoming, but…for now…its a win. The…

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Florida palm trees dying as seas rise, experts say

[ Florida ] A group of Florida ecologists believe rising sea level from global warming gradually will kill off palms and other Florida trees that can ‘ t stand all the salt. The problem could worsen in more populous parts of east Central and South Florida , they say, as increased groundwater withdrawals lead to…

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