Ever Watched a Committee Hearing?

They’re not always the most entertaining things, but they are important. Check out this live webcast of the House Natural Resources Committee. WV Congressman Nick Rahall (D-3) is the presiding chair, and the panel is mainly industrial interests and Congressmen with poor environmental records talking about how there needs to be less government regulation in…

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Hillary Clinton’s Coal-Friendly Energy Plan

Presidential Candidate and New York Senator Hillary Clinton recently announced her energy plan. It is full of so called “Carbon Capture and Storage” (CCS) and plans for IGCC. In Tonawanda, Clinton said the country is “nowhere near” being able to eliminate coal from its energy strategy More of this… Means more of this… Update: Don’t…

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Tax Break With a View

[Wall St Journal] Landowners who place conservation easements on their scenic, environmentally sensitive or historic properties have long been able to get tax breaks from the federal government, and some states have also begun offering tax incentives. Now, a little-noticed provision in the wide-ranging pension law Congress passed last summer has made the federal tax…

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Things I Miss

Living within walking distance of the US Capitol has its perks. Unfortunately, mountains aren’t one of them.

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How Print Got Green

Sustainable operations are good for the environment. But they can be even better for business, as 181 FSC certified printers are learning. Whether pushed by customer demand and industry regulation or motivated by personal conviction, printing “green” is an accelerating trend. Use of paper that supports sustainable forestry is the hot “eco” practice. Already some…

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