Species bill would offer tax incentives to landowners

[Washington, DC] A bipartisan group of senators, including the Democratic chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is proposing tax incentives for landowners who take steps to recover endangered species. The approach is a narrower alternative to a comprehensive overhaul of the Endangered Species Act, a priority for Republicans before Democrats took control of Congress. The…

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Colorado co. pulls Kimberly-Clark products

[Colorado] Aspen Skiing Co. is removing all Kimberly-Clark products from its resorts, hotels and restaurants because of Kimberly-Clark’s sustainable forestry practices, the company said in a letter to Greenpeace. In the letter, the company said it was switching to other paper tissue suppliers, “whose operations are more environmentally sound.” “Businesses and the public alike are…

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iLoveMountains.org video is a finalist in a video contest

We’re one of 6 finalists in the Nonprofit Technology Conference video contest. Its time for the voting public to decide the winner. Grand prize is a free trip to next years conference in New Orleans. I could take it or leave it. More appealing is the marketing potential of a “finalist” or “winning” video about…

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Poll Shows that Voters Support Federal Action to Protect Family Forests

Coalition Unites to Secure Funding for Forests in the Farm Bill [Virginia] Poll results released today show American voters are concerned about the consequences of forest loss and support Federal action and conservation programs to help keep privately-owned forest lands intact for future generations. The newly-launched Forests in the Farm Bill Coalition, the poll sponsor,…

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Sustainable Forestry: Are we there yet?

Over the past 15 years significant strides have been made at both ends of the wood products channel: in the forest with certified forestry improving forest management practices, and in the marketplace with a growing number of well-defined green purchasing guidelines and certification programs. There is no question these developments have made a difference in…

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Bank of America sets $20 billion green push

[New York] Taking what’s been called a leadership position among financial service firms in the corporate green movement, the Charlotte, N.C.-based financial giant set aside all but $2 billion of its commitment for lending, advice and market creation to help commercial clients finance the use and production of new products, services and technologies. The bank…

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Landowners face hurdles in carbon-credit market

[Oregon] Carbon-credit trading is on the rise worldwide, but woodland owners will need to overcome serious obstacles to gain a foothold in the new market, according to several industry experts at the Forests, Carbon and Climate Change Conference in Corvallis, Ore. Although the carbon credit cap-and-trade system has grown into an estimated $40 billion global…

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SFN seeks Forestry Programs Coordinator

The Southern Forests Network is seeking an experienced forestry professional to provide coordination and technical expertise for programs in sustainable forestry, forest certification, and market development for sustainable forest products. The full-time position provides competitive salary and benefits, excellent opportunities for professional development, and the opportunity to work at the forefront of the South’s growing…

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